Code of Ethics

IHRI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

As the premier organization dedicated to professional development and lifelong learning, International HR Institute (IHRI) upholds the highest ethical standards in all aspects of professional conduct. Compliance with this Code of Ethics is not just recommended but required for all individuals seeking certification from IHRI. By adhering to this code, certified professionals demonstrate their commitment to integrity, excellence, and ethical responsibility in their practice.


The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct established by the International HR Institute is intended to ensure that all certified professionals and recognized members maintain the highest standards of service, integrity, and professional behavior. This code serves as a foundational guideline for how IHRI-certified individuals should conduct themselves, both within their organizations and in the broader professional community. The IHRI Board, in collaboration with its certification partners where applicable, has the ultimate authority to grant or revoke certifications, ensuring that only those who meet these stringent ethical standards are permitted to use IHRI certification marks. Accepting certification from IHRI is more than just receiving a credential; it signifies a pledge to act in a manner that is not only legally compliant but also ethically sound and professionally responsible. This adherence to ethical conduct is essential for maintaining public trust and confidence in the capabilities and integrity of those who hold an IHRI credential.

Commitment to Professional Responsibility

As a certified HR professional, you are entrusted with a critical role in enhancing the value of the organizations you serve. This responsibility goes beyond mere compliance with policies; it involves actively contributing to the ethical and strategic success of your organization. You are expected to take ownership of your professional decisions and actions, ensuring that they reflect positively on both the HR profession and the broader business community. To fulfill this commitment, you will:

  • Uphold High Ethical Standards: Maintain and practice the highest levels of ethical behavior in every aspect of your professional life, ensuring that your actions set a positive example for others.
  • Enhance Organizational Success: Continuously evaluate and improve the effectiveness of HR functions in contributing to organizational goals, thereby demonstrating the strategic value of the HR profession.
  • Ensure Legal Compliance: Strictly adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, positioning yourself as a model of legal and ethical compliance within your organization.
  • Champion Professional Values: Consistently uphold and promote the core values of the HR profession, striving to achieve excellence in service delivery, performance, and social responsibility.
  • Advocate for Human Capital: Actively promote the ethical treatment and appreciation of human resources, ensuring that employees are recognized for their contributions and are treated with respect and fairness.
  • Influence Ethical Decision-Making: Engage in open discussions and debates within established forums to influence decision-making processes in a manner that aligns with ethical HR practices.

Commitment to Professional Development

The pursuit of continuous improvement is a defining characteristic of professional excellence. As an HR professional, you are expected to engage in ongoing learning and skill development to enhance your competencies and stay abreast of the latest developments in the field. This commitment to professional growth is essential for maintaining the relevance and effectiveness of your practice. You will:

  • Engage in Lifelong Learning: Dedicate yourself to the continuous acquisition of new knowledge and skills related to HR and the organizations you serve, ensuring that you remain at the forefront of the profession.
  • Contribute to the Profession’s Knowledge Base: Actively participate in the creation and dissemination of knowledge within the HR community by engaging in teaching, research, and the sharing of best practices.

Commitment to Ethical Leadership

Ethical leadership is a cornerstone of the HR profession. As a certified professional, you are expected to lead by example, demonstrating ethical conduct in all your professional interactions. Your role as a leader includes not only acting ethically yourself but also fostering a culture of ethical behavior within your organization. You will:

  • Exemplify Integrity in Leadership: Model ethical behavior in every professional interaction, setting a standard for others to follow.
  • Advocate for Ethical Actions: Actively question and challenge decisions and actions that may compromise ethical standards, ensuring that all decisions are made and implemented with integrity.
  • Seek Expert Advice When Necessary: When faced with ethical dilemmas, seek guidance from trusted experts to ensure that your actions align with ethical standards.
  • Mentor Future Ethical Leaders: Commit to developing the next generation of ethical leaders by providing guidance and mentorship, helping them to navigate ethical challenges in their careers.

Commitment to Fairness and Justice

Promoting fairness and justice within the workplace is a fundamental responsibility of HR professionals. You are ethically bound to ensure that all employees are treated equitably, with respect, and given opportunities to succeed. Your role is to create and maintain an inclusive environment where every individual feels valued and supported. You will:

  • Respect Individual Dignity: Recognize and honor the unique value of each individual, ensuring that everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
  • Foster a Trustworthy Work Environment: Work to create an environment free from harassment, intimidation, and discrimination, where trust and collaboration can flourish.
  • Promote Equal Opportunities: Ensure that all employees have access to opportunities for skill development and career advancement, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and inclusivity.
  • Champion Diversity and Inclusion: Advocate for and implement policies that promote diversity and inclusion, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued within the organization.
  • Support Ethical Organizational Decisions: Uphold and support decisions made by your organization that are both ethical and legal, even when these decisions may conflict with personal interests.

Commitment to Managing Conflicts of Interest

Maintaining the trust of stakeholders is critical to your role as an HR professional. You must avoid any actions or situations that could create a conflict of interest, whether real or perceived, as these can undermine both your integrity and the trust placed in you by your organization. You will:

  • Adhere to Conflict of Interest Policies: Follow and advocate for the implementation of clear policies on conflicts of interest within your organization, ensuring transparency and fairness in all processes.
  • Avoid Personal Gain: Refrain from using your professional position for personal, financial, or material gain, and avoid any actions that could be perceived as self-serving.
  • Maintain Objectivity in HR Processes: Ensure that all HR processes are conducted impartially, without favoritism or bias, and prioritize the interests of the organization and its stakeholders.
  • Disclose Conflicts Transparently: When conflicts of interest arise, promptly disclose them to relevant stakeholders to maintain transparency and trust.

Commitment to Ethical Use of Information

The ethical handling of information is a critical aspect of HR practice. As a certified HR professional, you must ensure that all information is acquired, used, and communicated in a manner that is truthful, accurate, and respects the privacy and rights of individuals. You will:

  • Acquire Information Responsibly: Gather information using ethical methods that respect the rights and privacy of individuals.
  • Ensure Accuracy and Relevance: Use only accurate, verified, and relevant information in making employment-related decisions, ensuring that these decisions are fair and just.
  • Protect Confidential Information: Safeguard all confidential and restricted information, ensuring that it is only accessible to authorized individuals and used appropriately.
  • Maintain Up-to-Date Records: Ensure that all HR records and information are current and accurate, supporting effective decision-making and communication.
  • Communicate Transparently: Provide clear, truthful, and comprehensive information in all communications, particularly those related to HR policies, practices, and training.

Disciplinary Process and Procedures

To maintain the integrity of the certification process and the HR profession, IHRI has established a comprehensive disciplinary process. This process is designed to address allegations of violations of the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct in a fair, transparent, and consistent manner.

  • Exclusive Disciplinary Authority: The IHRI disciplinary procedures are the sole method for addressing ethical charges and complaints. By seeking or maintaining certification, individuals agree to comply with these procedures and acknowledge IHRI’s authority to enforce them.
  • Initiating an Investigation: Upon receiving a formal complaint, IHRI staff will evaluate the allegations to determine if an investigation is warranted. Investigations are typically limited to incidents occurring within the past 24 months, unless there is compelling evidence that justifies a review.
  • Conducting the Investigation: If an investigation proceeds, the certified individual will be notified in writing and given 30 days to respond to the allegations. If no response is received, the case will be reviewed by a Staff Review Panel, which will make an initial determination.
  • Hearing Process: If the Staff Review Panel finds that disciplinary action may be necessary, a hearing will be conducted by a Hearing Panel composed of IHRI Board members and certified professionals. The individual facing discipline may present their case in person or through legal representation. The panel’s findings and recommendations will be submitted to the IHRI Board of Governors for final approval.
  • Resolution and Notification: Both the complainant and the individual under investigation will receive written notification of the final decision, including any disciplinary actions taken.

Forms of Discipline

If a violation of the Code of Ethics is confirmed, the IHRI Board of Directors may impose various disciplinary measures, depending on the severity of the infraction. These measures may include:

  • Private written censure: A formal reprimand issued privately to the individual involved.
  • Public letter of admonition: A formal reprimand issued publicly, which may be disclosed to relevant parties.
  • Suspension of certification rights: Temporary suspension of the individual’s right to use IHRI certification marks for a specified period.
  • Permanent revocation of certification rights: Permanent removal of the individual’s right to use IHRI certification marks.

Disciplinary Grounds

Disciplinary action may be taken for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Criminal behavior: Any action that constitutes a violation of the criminal laws in the individual’s country of residence or employment.
  • Professional misconduct: Actions that warrant the suspension or revocation of a professional license or that violate IHRI’s certification requirements.
  • Non-compliance with IHRI policies: Failure to respond to IHRI inquiries or requests for information regarding an ethics violation.
  • Obstruction of disciplinary processes: Any attempt to interfere with or obstruct IHRI’s investigation or disciplinary proceedings.
  • Misrepresentation: Providing false or misleading information to IHRI or during the disciplinary process.

This list is not exhaustive, and other forms of misconduct or unethical behavior may also result in disciplinary action.